⚙️ Project Setup #
This project is written in Kotlin and Python. For the most part Python is utilised for: GitHub files mining, neural networks training and evaluation, test folds and snippets creation, and utilizing the Pygments syntax highlighting library. Kotlin instead implements logic for: preprocessing of GitHub’s raw files, brute force algorithms, accuracy and speed testing for all approaches and HTML or console rendering of syntax highlighted files.
Gradle is used for building and running of the project – with exception to some Python tasks, and some test automations. The Gradle Wrapper of the project is already supplied, hence this can be build by running in the project’s root directory:
./gradlew build
which will fetch the required dependencies and run all the compilation-required tasks.
Although many JVM versions might produce similar results to the ones obtained, the recommended install is the following, available on Amazon Corretto’s GitHub repository
openjdk 16.0.2 2021-07-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 16.0.2+7)
Conda is used for the creation of the python environment.
All of the packages and versions required are listed in the Conda environment file environment.yml
It should be noted that the project uses the machine’s default Conda/Python environment. Furthermore, PyTorch’s Cuda integration is installed by default. If this should not be available, this can be safely changed to PyTorch’s non-Cuda installation of the same version; likewise, for any other Cuda related packages.
The Python’s root workspace is located in src/main/python/highlighter
Finally, some automation routines uses the Bash shell (v3.*), and the ZIP v3.0) command-line tool.